The result
91% new consumer felt the refreshing spirit of Sprite !
Sprite was enabled to drive recruitments at scale with an end result of expansion of brand consumer base with Grivy features of:
● Offline-to-online user journey unlocking the unique ability to reach consumers on-the-go with a refreshing brand proposition and enabling instant product gratification in partnership with Grab.
● Tracking capabilities integrated at each step of the Grivy user journey enabling to assess consumer interactions to optimize the campaign in real-time and drive maximized purchase intent.
● Customer data acquisition of first-party consumer data validating campaign participants and enabling to identification of the sought-after target segment for future efforts.
● The total brand equity study revealing consumers’ perception of brand and the impact of campaign on their booming affinity.
Thus in collaboration with Grivy, the brand adopted a data-powering approach to succeed in the super-app landscape. This involved integrating a trackable campaign journey offline to online, driving recruitments and fulfilling the brand’s immediate goal of new consumer acquisitions while powering its future growth strategy with insights on the purchase behavior of these new buyers identifiable with first-party data collected during the campaign journey.