The result
81% participants enjoyed the energizing support of Sprite during crucial match-moments !
Sprite was enabled to drive recruitments at scale with an end result of expansion of brand consumer base with Grivy features of:
● Offline-to-online user journey unlocking the unique ability to reach consumers on-the-go with a refreshing brand proposition and enabling instant product gratification.
● Tracking capabilities integrated at each step of the Grivy user journey enabling to assess consumer interactions to optimize the campaign in real-time and drive maximized purchase intent.
● Customer data acquisition of first-party consumer data validating campaign participants and enabling to identification of the sought-after target segment for future efforts.
● The total brand equity study revealing consumers’ perception of brand and the impact of campaign on their booming affinity.
Thus in collaboration with Grivy, the brand adopted a data-powering approach to succeed in its offline promotional efforts with trackable offline-to-online campaign journey acquiring first-party data on campaign participants and presenting the brand a view of consumer interactions across touchpoints, useful to relevantly plan future growth efforts. Being able to reach consumers mobile-first with intriguing campaign messaging at micro-moments relevant for product experience, the brand was able to unlock its consumers a brand experience to remember through Grivy unlock campaign journey.