The result
Premium results of acquiring 57% new aspirants to brand!
Herbal Essence was enabled to boost sales by leveraging Grivy integrations of:
● Online-to-online promotional campaign engaging consumers on a journey from product awareness to product experience through purchase at e-commerce partnering platform, Shopee
● Tracking capabilities integrated at each step of the Grivy user journey enabling to assess consumer interactions to optimize the campaign in real-time and drive maximized purchase intent.
● Customer data acquisition of first-party consumer data validating campaign participants and enabling to identification of the sought-after target segment for future efforts.
● Advocacy enabled with social media shares & referrals, encouraging consumers to share their fun-filled product experience and bring organic audiences to the campaign.
● The total brand equity study revealing consumers’ perception of brand and the impact of campaign on their booming affinity.
By striking a balance between long-term and short-term objectives, the brand has gained the competitive edge of data to draw a path to future growth opportunities with a broader understanding of brand users, non-users, their buying behavior, and perception of brand.